This article is Pertaining to the Safety Aspect
in regards to possible Contaminates that may be released
with the use of a reusable Ear Piercing Device for Ear piercing
which is called an Ear Piercing Gun.
The Ear Piercing Gun. Is it Safe?
Generally, an Ear Piercing Gun is intentionally made to be a reusable device.
An Ear Piercing Gun is not a sterile or single-use device.
If an Ear Piercing Gun can not be sterilized in an autoclave sterilization unit
and is only wiped down between uses
than an Ear Piercing Gun it is not aseptic,
medically clean or new, when used for Ear Piercing.
The Ear Piercing Gun is not safe.
Some Ear Piercing Gun devices are direct load which means the Ear Piercing Gun and the Earring touch together through direct connection
which also directly comes into contact with the Ear to be Pierced.
This method introduces 3 modes of contamination.
Other Ear Piercing Gun Devices may require single-use attachable components
that may be added for use as part of the Ear Piercing Gun
and then that same part may be then detached after use.
Packaged Sterile Earrings are contained in an encased component
that will be opened, and then the entire encased component
is attached & loaded into a reusable Ear Piercing Gun.
The packaged single-use encased Sterile Earrings
may start off with a sterile inner packaging,
but once the Earrings are opened and the encased component is attached & loaded
into a reusable Ear Piercing Gun, all items can immediately
become contaminated through what is called Cross-Contamination.
Contamination and Cross-Contamination can occur
when these detachable components or attachments
come into contact with the reusable Ear Piercing Gun,
including the combination of touching the non-sterile,
reusable Ear Piercing Gun, and then touching the
detachable components or attachments
including any contact with the Ear,
such as wiping the Ear with a cleaning prep pad
and actually touching the Ear during the Ear Piercing Procedure.
All Services at Baby Ear Piercing in San Jose, CA
are aseptic and the items selected for New.
All Earrings for Ear Piercing Procedures are Non-Contaminated, Sterile Processed, Single-Use & Individually Packaged. All Items for Each & Every Ear Piercing Procedure are New, Disposable & Non-Reusable.
Baby Ear Piercing is not permitted to use your own personal earrings or jewelry.
Ear & Body Piercings or other Body Art
Should Never be attempted by any untrained person.
Those Attempting to do so
may be Breaking County and State Regulatory Laws
as well as Putting Themselves and Especially Others
in Danger or at Risk of Serious or Even Life-Threatening Situations.
We take Piercing Seriously and so should you.
About the author:
Angel is a DEH LICENSED SAFE BODY ART PRACTITIONER, Ear Piercing Professional and Blood Borne Pathogen specialist who is also the company founder of Baby Ear Piercing which is a Licensed Safe Body Art Faculty in San Jose CA. Angel, has been professionally providing Expert Ear Piercing Services for all ages since, since 1987.
Angel created a unique controlled environment for ultimately offering the safest Ear Piercing services nationwide and she is internationally known and trusted by parents, medical practitioners, influencers and celebrities for the safest, efficient baby, toddler, kids,
and adult Ear Piercing Services and Re-Openings.
Her experience of working with and developing superb metal formulations combined with the knowledgeable suggestions she gives have led countless guests to find solutions to an end of their troubles with sensitive and problematic Ear Piercings related to Earring and aftercare compatibility issues.