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 Bump on My Ear Piercing.

For consistency and reference, please review the most current Basic In-Studio Aftercare consultation.

Please make sure to read through your aftercare sheet that was provided during your in studio consultation.

It is important to understand the differences from irritations and infections and the Normal indications of a new piercing.

This remedy is for non-infectious Piercings.

Seek medical attention by a medical professional for a suspected infected piercing.

Go ahead and try the Emergensea Solution three times a day, for three days.

After the first or few applications, expect some type of positive response in the next several hours or days.


If conditions worsen or you feel that you may need to see a physician for advice, please do so.

A cream, ointment topical and sometimes even an oral anti-biotic may be prescribed.

It is important that if a bump does not respond to home remedies

and does not diminish after Earring removal to seek medical attention for a consultation on symptoms of Keloids.

Please do still keep in contact, because a topical is not a long term solution for aftercare cleaning procedures for the successful healing.

Sometimes jewelry removal may be Required. A piercing can usually be re-opened when conditions are more favorable.

Ear Piercing Bumps and aftercare related issues.

You’re aftercare guide exclusively includes information on how to successfully heal your piercing including information

on how to combat non-infectious conditions/ bump behind the ear.

After reading through the Informational aftercare guide provided during your in studio procedure, If you feel your condition needs to be seen by a professional medical practitioner/physician,

Please do so and additionally connect back with the team at Baby Ear

Some Questions to Review:

Remember cleaning is for 6 to 8 weeks

and Cartilage is 6 to 9 months,

twice a day with two different procedures,

then scaling down to one time a day in the bath or shower with soap and water

or sea salt solution for the next year and sometimes even much longer.


Have you been diligently cleaning the Ear Piercing daily for the proper time frame?


Did you remember that if you move an Earring without soaking it free,

it can actually damage or tear healing tissue and make a buildup?

Aftercare, Procedure number one gets soaked and compressed and moved while after care procedure number two does not.


Did you make sure that the backing is not on too tight?


Have you changed Earrings to another style from your original?

If you are certain that the aftercare procedures have been diligent,

then other possibilities should be evaluated.

Occasionally, it may be discovered that the issue being experienced

may be the outcome from none of these conditions mentioned.

Some piercing related issues experienced may be mysterious.

Problematic piercing can miraculously heal with simple solutions.

Some aftercare related piercing issues require medical attention.

The Most Common Causes of bumps, blisters, bubbles and associated piercing eruptions

are usually from Improper, Irregular, Inconsistent or Insufficient Aftercare cleaning procedures such as:


Make sure that the backing is on the notch inscribed on the earring post.

Ever so slightly before the notch in most cases can be fine as long as the back tip of the post

is not protruding beyond the earring backing.


Sometimes after diligently and efficiently cleaning a piercing, a metal reaction can present issues. First we may start with changing to a titanium back. If still no quick response, next try changing to a titanium post and then go from there.

Be sure to identify if the current Earring style being worn is the original style selected for Piercing Earrings Services.


Yes, with nails looking beautiful and long, this can sometimes be a huge hindrance

when cleaning the back of the piercing.

 In order for proper the proper compression technique to be effective,

it is very important that the finger nails be short enough

so that you’re able to successfully compress the skin that is closest around to the back of the earring.

This backing of the ear area can hold dead cell waste and other debris buildup

which can get missed or untouched during cleaning procedures

because of the inability to compress the ear because of the long nails.

After the soaking procedure,

the compression procedure must be close enough to the post and piercing site

to ensure that the dead cell waste is being worked out of the ear piercing

and or cartilage and skin fusion during the aftercare cleaning procedure.

Now that you've learned about improper, Irregular, Inconsistent or Insufficient Aftercare cleaning procedures and possible irritations,

Here is a Powerful Solution for short term use only.

For conditions that show no improvement, plateau or recycle

Consult your DEH Licensed Safe Body Art Practitioner for a re-evaluation.

Blisters, Bumps & Bubbles on the Ear or Cartilage

Written by Angel, DEH Licsensed Safe Body Art Practitioner

The Best Preventive: Diligently Follow the Basic Aftercare Instructions

and Procedures Suggested in the Aftercare Consultation Video Demo

and Aftercare Guide.

Emergensea Solution Recipe:

Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of Sea Salt into 1 oz. of clean, 

purified or bottled water in a clean bowl or applicator bottle.

Dash of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Shake or stir to dissolve.

The EmergenSea Solution is now ready for use.

Warming the water or sea salt solution prior is optional.

The order in which to use the Emergensea Accelerated Aftercare Solution:

Wash Hands


Flush Ear

Flush/ Rinse

Compression Motions

Saturate with Emergensea

Basic Pre-Soak

A clean cloth or tissue is needed for an effective compression procedures.

1. Always wash your hand thoroughly before and after cleaning or handling any piercing

2. Prepare all the necessary Aftercare supplies.

Make and use the Standard Self-Made Sea Salt Solution Recipe and Emergensea Sea Salt Solution Recipe.

3. Start by thoroughly soaking and flushing out the piercings with very warm water from the faucet

or a prepared applicator bottle for flushing purposes.

Tip: Aftercare procedures can efficiently and effectively be streamlined by using a generous amount of warm running water from the faucet by thoroughly soaking and flushing out any piercing.

4. Next flush or irrigate the piercing with a prepared Self-Made Sea Salt Solution which can be applied from applicator bottle or generously with a clean cloth. Before proceeding to the next step be sure the piercing has been irrigated,

flushed and the dead cell waste has been loosened and soaked free.

5. After rinsing thoroughly with water, the piercing area is now ready for the application

of Emegencsea Solutionand the compression procedure.

6. To Apply the compression technique, saturate a clean cloth or tissue

with the Emergensea solution that has been prepared in a clean bowl or an applicator bottle.

7. Gently, yet firmly, grasp under the back of the Earring while applying stabilized pressure to the front of the jewelry.

Apply the compression motions to the backside and around the Earring and piercing site.

Attempt to drain the filled blister,bump, bubble or remove any dead cell waste

by compressing out and flushing the fluids or debris away. By leaving traces of body fluids,

debris or any dead cell waste can contribute to accumulations that can increase aftercare procedures,

prolong healing or even present jewelry removal as a result.

8.Generously flush the affected piercing with water or Sea Salt Solution.

Followed by a final application of the Emergensea Solution.

It is important to allow the Emergensea Solution to soak into the piercing and dry naturally after the final flushing.

For reference and consistency

We have Included the original in studio Ear Piercing Aftercare Consultation.


START with this video:

In-studio SIMPLE aftercare consultation video:

If an aftercare product related irritation or excessive dryness is noticed,

Discontinue the use of that product at once and seek advice on alternative aftercare products.

When using the Emergensea Solution for accelerated healing.

Noticeable improvements may be seen in as soon as 3 to 12 hours.

It can take weeks, months or even longer for piercing issues to completely diminish.

Do not excessively apply or over use any aftercare product.


In the course of the next several hours or days, your piercing should exhibit some type of positive improvement

after following specific instructions or suggestions for a piercing related issue.

A piercing worsening, or exhibiting little or no sign of improvement needs to be re-examined for further suggestions or medical advice.

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